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Tilting Horizon
This is a Mass Spell that will manifest the intention 'All are living Well'
The Tilting Horizon is a group spell that will be finished casting in the year 2028. The objective is to, using magick, change a single variable worldwide with extreme repercussions. Our manifest intention is "ALL ARE LIVING WELL." You can be on any spiritual path, at any point in your journey to participate. Whether you're an elder occultist with decades of experience or a baby pagan who's never uttered an incantation in their life, you can join us in shaping history. Our goal is rather vague, which was deliberate; wellbeing means different things to different people, meaning everybody will get something unique from this spell. It will be the source of a lot of change, a lot of healing, a lot of growth.
Above is the Tilting Horizon sigil which was created in 2022 for this purpose. You can rephrase the intent however you like ("my will is that everyone lives well" for example) and it will work fine for the spell we'll be casting. Angles on the sigil lines should look similar but do not need to be exact.
We're going to spend until 2028 collectively charging this sigil. There are 7.9 billion people in the world. Needless to say this spell requires a lot of energy to work. We need to be very proactive in this part. At midnight marking the Lunar New Year (Jan. 26) 2028, there will be a mass ritual to fire off this sigil. The ritual will be revealed when the time is right.
The Tilting Horizon is not a formal organization. There is no membership. There is simply participation. Here are a few ways you can participate.
BELIEVING: this is the most important thing you can do. If you do nothing else for this spell, leave this page with the belief that the Tilting Horizon will bring real, tangible wellbeing to every person in the world, along with all that will entail. Doing so plays a part in us shaping the fabric of reality.

CHARGING THE SIGIL: stare at it during meditation. Make and share art including it. Make memes. Tag it on a wall, or in a bathroom stall. Anything you can do that puts the sigil in front of other people's eyes will charge the sigil. You can also create a servitor that draws energy into it from different sources. Get creative.

PROTECTING THE SPELL: there are people in this world who do not want a spell like this to succeed. If you can read these words, they can too. This spell needs many layers of defense. The more protection, the better.
SPREADING THE WORD: a spell moving this much energy worldwide requires a great number of participants. We need people, in particular magickal practitioners, to know what the Tilting Horizon is.

Anybody who doubts our intention is encouraged to divine our sincerity with their preferred method of divination.

~All Hail Each Other~